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amelia’s (and robbie’s) ice bucket challenge

so by now you’ve heard of the als ice bucket challenge, which raises awareness, support and money for people who have lou gehrig’s disease. also now there’s the “rice bucket” challenge, where you dump a bucket of rice over your head and it supports feeding the hungry in the phillippines (which is pretty cool).

i was challenged to do the version with ice water, but with a twist — to raise awareness of and donate to the voice of the martyrs. VOM is an organization that provides aid, medical care and support to men, women and children around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in God.

persecution happens every day in a variety of places or circumstances often not considered “newsworthy,” but it’s especially bad in iraq and syria right now. thousands of people are being forced to flee their homes — both Christians and non-Christians — and even children are being beheaded.

children. how is that okay to turn a blind eye to?

please to learn more about how you can support those who are being persecuted.

while most of us, as individuals, can’t go over there and help directly, we can bring what’s going on to public attention and help pave the way for those who are able to go into the fray and serve and protect those who are vulnerable and in danger. i know dumping water on my head is kind of a silly thing to do in the grand scheme of things, but if it helps raise awareness, compassion and support for those in need, then pour the water on!

(thanks to robbie, who did not completely squirm out of my arms while i talked, and who got wet with me.)

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