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garden life

i’ve been busy enough with the normal tasks of everyday life lately (in a good way) that i haven’t much felt the energy to sit down and tackle any lengthy public writing. i’m happy to report that the garden is mostly doing very well — in fact, it’s about all i can do to keep up with it on top of everything else. on friday i was making this tomato cobbler for saturday evening’s dinner, so i went out to see if there were any more ripe than what we had sitting on the counter already. i came back in with a shirtful of tomatoes and pockets stuffed with cucumbers. once my new camera battery arrives i’ll have to photograph the pickling cucumbers: the spines are impressive and the vines very painful to try to snap with one’s bare hands.

here, however, are some garden highlights from the past month and a half or so.

the peas were prolific. we picked them and ate them, picked them and gave them away, picked and ate more and more and more.

they were not only enthusiastic about sending out little shoots every whichaway, but they were also quite tall.

the first tomato harvest. sungolds.

they’re beautiful even green.

this has become a definite favorite and candidate for next year’s garden.

dill in bloom.

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