adventures arranged

What did you dream about as a child?



What pretends did you act out in the backyard with your playfellows?



What adventures did you long to set sail upon?



Who would you be if you weren’t … yourself?



Where would life find you?



What place in time and space would you visit … or inhabit?



What if you could step out of your normal everyday life for a hour or two and into the midst of an adventure particular to you — your dreams, your interests, your personality? What if some of your childhood daydreams could turn into reality for a moment? What if you could have a tiny taste of a different time or place while adventuring into the unknowns of your own backyard? And what if you had photographic memories of it all?

watch the birdie

That is what I would love to do for you. I’d love to hear your dreams and interests and imaginings and create a special adventure just for you, you and your best pals, or you and a special someone.

Send me a note at and let’s have a chat about adventures and whether I’m the right photographer to arrange an adventure for you.